Big news from the MikeG camp!
After many many years of looking I finally bought a new(er) car. (featured on the right) I am happy with the decision; the main reason for this choice I must admit was price.
For what I paid it is quite a car. Good power, lots of features, good comfort, room inside for my meager frame. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about buying a North American car, but greed took over. The base price of this slightly used car was significantly less than anything that I could have come close to in an import, plus I had serious problems with import cars. For instance, I did not fit into many of the cars I test-drove, not a big selling point. Second, most import cars that I drove had serious lack of power, not really that fun to drive.
This car is pretty new, its a 2005 model year, its very clean, nice and roomy, has power to accelerate, and yet is pretty good on gas (no honda civic but still pretty good) I am sure most of you will get to see it in the next little while (BBQ this weekend perhaps?), anyway so now I have a nice clean car that I am not afraid to drive.
This is good, I am happy now. I have the house, the pool is awesome, the bike has new tires, work is good, Mel is great, and now I have a new(er) car!